Tips to Create a Logo design that is memorable

There are many factors that go into creating a memorable logo, from the graphical elements and colors to the shape and size of the design. Whether you’re designing a logo from scratch or revamping an old concept, consider these tips to make your concept stand out:

  • Understand what makes a good logo – One of the most important things you can learn when getting started is what makes a good logo. A well-designed concept represents your clients’ brand and helps build trust. A great logo should:
    • Be memorable
    • Be effective
    • Be describable
    • Be scalable
  • Study the competition – Take a serious look at the main competitors and find out what they’re doing to market their business – what’s working and what’s not.
  • Learn from mistakes – Take a look at designs in the same industry and learn from the mistakes of others. If you find logos that don’t seem to work well, figure out why and don’t make the same mistake.
  • Avoid trends – Something that’s considered a trendy design concept today may not hold any meaning down the road. Steer away from trends and instead, go with traditional concepts that will hold true over time.
  • Think outside the box – Your logo doesn’t need to show exactly what the business does. Some of the best logos around don’t reflect that – for example, consider brands like Apple, Toyota, and Puma.

8 Top Colors For Creating an Impactful Logo

It’s been said that color is one of the strongest forms of non-verbal communication available – and it plays a big role in how a logo is perceived by the target audience. Colors can evoke anger, happiness, a sense of power, and everything in between.

When creating a logo, talk with your client about what you want the audience to feel, then design it accordingly. Below are some of the most common colors and what type of emotions they can be used to evoke:

Red – Action, adventure, aggressiveness, happiness, love, passion, and strength

  • Orange – Affordability, creativity, drive, energy, enthusiasm, and youthfulness
  • Yellow – Attention, caution, curiosity, happiness, positivity, playfulness, and warmth
  • Blue – Authority, calmness, confidence, dignity, success, tranquility, and trustworthy
  • Green – Calmness, health and healing, luxury, wealth, nature, and tranquility
  • Pink – Appreciation, femininity, gentleness, gratitude, happiness, innocence, love, playfulness, romance, tranquility, and youthfulness
  • Purple – Authority, femininity, luxury, wealth, mystery, romance, sophistication, and spirituality
  • Black – Mystery, simplicity, and tradition

5 Ways to Get Creative with Your Logo Design

Now that you know how to get your logo design started, it’s time to look at the creative process. If you’re like any other designer in the world, it’s likely you’ll get stuck at one point or another, asking yourself the question, “How do I make this stand out from the competition? How do I make it unique?”

Take a look at the following list to see if something sparks your creativity:

  • Reject your initial ideas – Maybe it’s 10. Maybe it’s 20. Decide on a certain number and reject the first “X” ideas you come up with. Usually, the first ideas people develop are too basic and don’t lead to the final result.
  • Work in an inspiring room – The workspace around you should inspire your creativity. Cut out photos from magazines, tape up inspiring quotes, and cover your walls with colorful art. Sometimes, graphic design magazines like Print Magazine and HOW Magazine are the best places to start.
  • Turn on the tunes – Studies have shown that music can help enhance a creative environment. Maybe you love classical jazz. Maybe it’s Lady Gaga. Whatever it is, pop on the tunes and get to work.
  • Create a mind map – This is especially helpful if you’re creating a brand-new concept. Draw a mind map with every idea and concept that’s crossed your mind, large or small. Or, use an online version like MindNode or Mindomo.
  • Try something new – Get away from the computer screen and try something new. Go dancing. Read a book. Paint. Take a cooking class. Do something that challenges your mind in a different way, and you never know the ideas you might come up with.

Many factors go into creating a logo that stands out from the competition. Considering the above tips can be a great step in the right direction toward a powerful logo – and as a result, a more powerful business.

By Pat Malloy

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