ublic service announcements (PSA) or we use to called it “public interest ad” is a kind of ad that attempt to influence listener or viewer. Their objective to market a product is intended to change the public interest, by raising awareness of an issue, affecting public attitudes, and potentially stimulating action. Here, is the selection of 30 best public interest ad created in 2011. Hopefully it did help raising awareness among public toward an issue from all around the world.
1) KAFA Whore
Words hurt.
You can’t see them but the scars from verbal abuse are real and can last for years.
Don’t suffer in silence. ”
Words hurt.
You can’t see them but the scars from verbal abuse are real and can last for years.
Don’t suffer in silence. ”
2) Forgetting is Contagious
Germany Awareness ad “vergessen ist ansteckend “
3) Breast Cancer Awareness
” Don’t know how to check your breast? I can help. “
4) Each Minute Counts
“Every 60 seconds a species dies out.
Each minute counts. Each donation helps. “
Each minute counts. Each donation helps. “
5) Wear a Condom
“Use in case of being on fire”
6) Royal Life Saving
“Don’t drink & Drown”
7) Global Warming
“Global warming: who will be here to see the consequences?”
8 ) Honda
“Arrive home before yourself ” Honda CBR 1000 RR Print from McCann Erickson, Tel Aviv.
9) Talk Them Dead
Talk them dead, Girlfriend, DRIVE SAFELY WITH MOBILE PHONES, Mudra, BANGALORE CITY TRAFFIC POLICE, Print, Outdoor, Ads
10) Jala PRT
“When domestic helpers in Indonesia need help they turn to JALA PRT. Agency: O&M Jakarta. ”
11) Mental Health Foundation
“Mindfulness… What’s playing on your mind? Manage your stress with mindfulness. bemindful.co.uk”
12) Nissbaru
“Available for careless drivers, at all intersections.”
13) France Adot
“Thousands of people owe their lives to organ donors.”
14) Sea Shepherd Conservation Society: Tuna
“When you see a tuna, think panda. The bluefin tune is now critically endangered to the point of extinction. Industrial overfishing, fueled by the voracious appetite for tuna in several parts of Asia, is killing off the remaining breeding populations. Act quickly to save what’s left. Don’t sell, buy or eat this endangered species. And please support the bluefin defense campaign. Operation Blue Rage, at www.seashepherd.org”
15) San Fransisco Zoo
“Once giraffes are able to make sales quotas, they’ll no longer depend on your company’s donation”
16) Save the children
“Only cowards beat their child”
17) Prague 7 Municipality
“Shit is not a cool brand. Clean up after your dog.”
18) Anti Smoking
“Smoking damages your lungs”
19) Deutscher Tierschutz Bund e.V.
“Animals Suffer Like We Do”
20) Surfrider Foundation Australia: Oil Spill
“Our oceans aren’t the only ones in danger. Make a difference.”
21) Toronto Crime Stoppers
“Your tips help expose criminals”
22) WWF
“Would you care more if i was a panda?”
23) WWF: Desertification
“Desertification destroys 6.000 species every year.”
![wwf 30 Best and Powerful Public Interest Ad 2011 - little box of design](http://littleboxofdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/wwf.jpg)
24) Madd
“Mothers against drunk driving”
25) Breast Cancer Foundation: Spot
“Are you obssesed with the right things?”
26) OndAzul
“Deal with the consequences.”
27) Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme (LICRA): Cleaning lady
“Your skin color. Shouldn’t dictate your future”
28) Aashray Adhikar Abhiyan: Question Mark
“37% of Indians live in poverty which puts a question mark on their future. Donate Today”
29) City Of Belgrade: Clean after your dog
“For beautiful city. Clean after your dog”
30) Stop Drinking Association
“Alcohol can end your party. “
source: http://littleboxofdesign.com/?p=1960
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